Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I can't believe that it's almost time to start my journey in India. I've taken many little steps so that I can serve including; immunizations, getting a visa, raising money for both my flight and the Rising Star. Which meant a lot of fundraising. (two Zumba classes, a car wash, serving Lunch at the airport) and many generous donations from my community, family and friends.

Preparing to go to India has been both emotionally and physically hard. I have a lot to do here in Utah. Its difficult to try and leave work and my family for 3 1/2 weeks. Raising money wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. I can say now that the hard times have been worth it. I worked hard raising money it didn't just fall into my lap; but it did fall into place. I'm thankful for a Heavenly Father who has helped me understand that my work and family will be here when I get home and that serving these people is where I need to be.!

Thank you to my family who has helped me to all my aunts, uncles and cousins.
I also want to take the time to thank my parents who have spent hours helping me prepare. To my brother Alex for taking time to help me wash all those cars. To my beautiful sister who has helped me prepare emotionally. I will miss you all!


  1. This is awesome Sam! For some reason I never caught on before as to the reason you were holding the Zumba class, I would have totally loved to participate. All I can say is that serving in Finland changed my life. You are going to have an amazing experience and probably think about it every single day for the rest of your life. I'm so excited for you! Good luck!!

    1. Kaydee you are so sweet. Im so excited to serve even though it isn't very long I know that it will be life changing as I can see you mission changed yours. If I was here I would totally be coming to the musical you are in! Good Luck!

  2. Wow Sam, I'm just reading and catching up on your adventure. I wish you the best and I'll be reading more as you post. What a wonderful opportunity to go serve others. I hope to do something like this once my children are a bit older. Be safe and keep posting :)..
