Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Dr. Susan

While traveling to India I developed a lovely cold sore! That during my stay has spread inside my mouth. The spicy food we eat makes my lip burn and stings the inside of my mouth.

Luckily there is a medical clinic right here in campus and it's run by a lady to who goes by Dr. Susan. I love this beautiful lady. She treated me for the sores in and on my mouth, but this is not the only reason I love this woman. While sitting in her office she told me that she started out being the director of the medical clinic and for almost a year now she is the director of not only the clinic but in the school. I asked her if she liked doing both and she said " I am like a leaf in the river, wherever the stream takes me I go and I don't question it. He leads me and wherever he takes me I go and I don't question it" How wise an answer. I loved that. I needed to hear that. I want to always remember that when the Lord wants me to go and do things that I will never question what he asks. That I will go and do the things that he wants. No questions asked!

I have had so many amazing experiences and have so much to say. It's time to go have family night with my little family of boys. I will post again in a few hours I'm sure!


  1. Sam, great posts! Keep them coming! I'm excited to hear more about your journey. We went to your parent's house last night for a BBQ. Your family misses you, but I could tell they are so proud of you and what you are doing.

  2. Aub. Thanks so much! I'm so new at this blogging. Hopefully I'll get better as I go
