Sunday, July 1, 2012

My final construction project!

Monday was our last day of construction! The plan was to head to the art colony and help clean up the village. Well that all changed when there was a wild fire near the green house. Most of the volunteers went to church on Sunday when the fire started. Benson and Carl both stayed home. When we got back from church Benson said that he and Carl were busy all day trying to put out a wild fire and that it had only been about 20 feet away from the green house. He said they both were scared enough that they grabbed their belongings and passports. I thought he was probably over exaggerating a little bit. Then Carl announced we were going to be doing construction behind the green house instead of in the art colony.
Last week my group raked leafs all day long. We had to deal with spiders, snakes and weird lizards. After we would rake the leafs we would put them on a tarp and throw them over the fence. I had a feeling that it wasn't such a great idea. I was thinking "I wonder what will happen with these leafs after they are over the fence. Will someone come pick it up? Will they burn it?". Well it was just about to be burnt. Dr. Susan called Carl after the Wild fire was out and said that it was super important to get all the leafs we threw over the fence away for the school and the green house. We had to move it all the way behind the school to be burnt in a fire pit.

I was excited for construction that day because Chenelle was joining me. We weren't that excited about moving a huge pile of leafs and branches that my group had already taken a full day to move and throw over the fence. It felt like day was wasted. I felt like we could have transferred these leafs to the right place the first time. Now we had to take another day on something that I had already done.

When we arrived Monday morning I wasn't expecting to see the fire that close to the Green house and the Rising Star campus it was literally only three feet away from all of the dried leafs and branches. If that fire had reached the pile the green house would have burnt down. There are so many trees on campus that could have caught fire and it could have spread to the Elephant house and worse the kids school or hostels.

After the shock of realizing how bad things could have been, I realized how blessed we were. That Heavenly Father had been looking out for us that day. There was a distinct line where the fire had stopped. It was almost like the Lord had drawn a line where the fire stopped. My anger and frustration left me and we got to work on clearing out the branches.

We worked hard that day but we also had fun. Chen brought here iPod out hooked them up to Carl's speakers and we had a dance day during construction. It's amazing how much music can boost me up. I love music! Chen put on some music from her Zumba classes. We laughed as we danced with rakes in our hands doing some of the movements while cleaning up and packed loads into a trailer. I have absolutely loved going through this process with some of my best friends. I can't imagine this amazing experience without them by my side!

I feel like through this experience I've learned its not what you do but it's how you do it. I could have easily gone to construction with a bad attitude saying I told you so. I could have been grumpy and complained all day about how we had already done it. Instead I had Chen by my side, I let the Lord step into my life and help me realize that it needed to be done and to be positive. We had a great day working, serving and creating everlasting memories.

Just fanning Chen off during a long hot day.

Chenelle was is terrified of the huge jumping spiders. There were hundreds of them in this huge pile. But she worked hard raking and cleaning only jumping a few times.

Spiders weren't the only thing we were afraid of. As we were Sifting through the piles so we could load the trailers we found lots and lots of snake skin! We think that it was only from one snake. A Rat snake! The skin was fresh and there happened to be a few mice that ran from the pile so we were a bit hesitant to search the pile in case the snake was still under there somewhere.

After we finished we all collected the snake skin we found lined it up! Then we made a master plan to put it in Krissy's bed while she was still doing Medical! when she got back to our room and found our little present we left for her she freaked! We laughed so hard. I absolutely love my friends if I haven't mentioned it before!

As I was walking to playtime I realized that we only had two more play times! How could that be? Time went by so fast and I now only have two more times to play with these kids. I wanted to make the most of ever minute spent with them.

Basha (the boy in the orange striped shirt) loved Chenelle! He made her bracelets almost everyday! I have loved getting to know all these boys. I am going to miss them so much.

During playtime Ruthish wanted to show Chen and I his suit! I don't think I ever saw Ruthish happier then the day he put that suit on for us. He stood in front of the mirror smiling so big! He spanned and laughed! There is a special presence about Ruthish! He is so warm and caring. I can't imagine what my life would be without having met him and spending time with him! I will never ever forget him. I know I will go back to rising star and hug him tightly. Until then i will miss him everyday. I looked forward to seeing him everyday! He was the reason I was exciting to go into the computer lab during math. My heart breaks that I will be so far away from him. But I know he will is in such an amazing place getting an amazing education. Thank you Rising Star for the work you are doing!
Monday night was our very last family night! Tuesday night the kids were doing a goodbye performance for all the volunteers during family time ago this was it! As soon as I walked in Vishva came running into my arms. Oh how I love that boy! we sat down and read together. He had to do fifteen minutes of reading. As he read his story I could barely pay attention to the words he was reading. All I could do was stare at his face, trying to memorize his features. All i could think about was that I was going to be leaving him the next day. As I watched him I started to try and figure out how I could bring him home. I didn't want to leave him, I couldn't leave him! I put on my brave face and finished reading with him. After we read we had our last henna party! All the boys wanted our names written on their arms.

Then I let Vishva and Ruthish write their names on my arm! Vishva said because my name was on my arm that I would never forget him! I couldn't ever forget him. I could never forget any of these kids! The kids at the Rising Star are all so amazing. They have so much courage. They have to leave their villages and colonies. They have to leave their parents and live at the rising star. They only see their families during Christmas for three months of the year.

I'm so grateful that their parents are so selfless and love their kids enough to give them better by sending them to live and go to school with the Rising Star. I can't imagine how these families must feel to see there children leave them. I am sure they are missed so much. I have only known these kids for three weeks and I miss them so much I can barley stand it. Thank you thank you to these families. These kids are getting more than I think they can possibly know! And they are giving so much then I think they possibly know!

After the younger kids laid down for bed Kala showed Chenelle and i how to wrap a Saree. She used her own personal ones. I know I've mentioned how much I love Kala before but seriously I Love kala! What an incredible person! I will miss her as much as I miss those kids! She told us to wear them back to the Elephant house and that we could return them to her the next night.

When it came time to say goodnight we lingered long after we should have left. Chenelle and I kept looking at each other knowing that we both didn't want to leave. It was our last family night. We weren't going to get this personal time with the again. Vishva asked when I was leaving, I told him early Wednesday morning that I had one more day with him. I made him promise to spend time with me during play time. He said he would as he wiped tears from his eyes. I held my emotions in as I kissed his cheek and walked out the door. Chen and I walked back in silence for a few minutes, she grabbed my hand we looked at each other and started crying. We didn't want the night to end. We weren't ready to leave these boys. Three weeks wasn't enough time for us. As we walked back we talked about how we were going to make it possible to be back next year!

As I look forward to one more day with my Rising Star family I am dad that the journey is over but also excited to come back! I have a new perspective on life and I plan to be back in India serving again. I know that it won't be the last time I see these kids!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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